Je remercie toutes les personnes qui m’encouragent dans mes démarches, me conseillent, prennent le temps de m’écouter, de regarder, de s’intéresser à mes œuvres, celles et ceux qui me donnent les moyens de promouvoir mes collections…
Vous, qui me suivez fidèlement dans mes travaux, vous qui ne me connaissiez pas et qui aujourd’hui apprécient mes réalisations…
Surtout, je remercie les membres de ma famille qui me soutiennent et m’aident à prendre plaisir de me réaliser au travers de toutes sortes d’activités.
I would like to thank all the people who have encouraged me all the way!
I would also like to thank all those who have taken the time to listen to me, to look and to feel concerned with my work, and those who have enabled me to promote my collections.
To all of you who faithfully follow my work, along with those who just got familiar with me and learned to enjoy my art.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all my family members and relatives who have been supporting me through the years. You have helped me take pleasure in this enthralling process through various activities.